Year 2


Curriculum Overview

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Reading VIPERS

In Year Two we follow the 2014 Primary National Curriculum, lessons are systematically sequenced developing the childrens’ knowledge and use of skills. We value each child as an individual learner and help to provide them with the tools needed to progress to the next level of their development. We promote a love of learning through practical learning experiences and challenge through effective questioning and problem solving. This allows our children to take risks and develop their independence, preparing them effectively for entering Key Stage Two.

The Year Two school day starts at 8:45 am and finishes at 3:15pm. We value a strong partnership between home and school to support your child’s learning. Our Year One and Two classes work closely together to provide the best possible support for our children and offer appropriate transition.

PE days are Mondays and Fridays so please come to school wearing PE kit on those days (trainers, plain white t-shirt and plain navy or black jogging bottoms). On cooler days, children can wear their school jumper / cardigan or fleece.

If you wish your child to have a break time snack each morning, in addition to fruit, please send your child in with £1 each week.

Teacher: Mrs Litchfield
Support TA: Mrs Sia

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