Our Mission Statement

At Vernon Terrace we aim to provide a happy and stimulating environment in which the academic, social, emotional and cultural needs of each individual child are met.

At the heart of our vision for Vernon Terrace lies the child. Our primary purpose is to enhance the quality of children’s learning through the effective and efficient delivery of the curriculum. We are committed to honesty, sensitivity, and responsibility in all relationships. We will adopt a philosophy of continuous improvement in every aspect of the school’s work and life.

Equality Statement

At Vernon Terrace Primary School, we are proud of our diverse community. We are committed to ensuring inclusion and equity is at the heart of: all policies, practices and our curriculum design. All staff are aware of the Equality Act, 2010’s aims and statutory duties therefore ensure all pupils, parents/carers, staff, recruitment candidates and stakeholders are treated fairly irrespective of their: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation, gender, disability, faith or religion or socio-economic background. We have a strong culture of inclusion in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and are able to participate fully in school life.

We will tackle discrimination by:
  • promoting British Values
  • promoting the advantages of diversity
  • being a positive role model
  • challenging discriminative behaviour, bullying and the use of stereotyping
  • creating an environment which champions respect for all
  • ensuring all staff receive regular training on teaching children with SEND/disabilities
  • create an environment whereby all recognise unconscious bias through deep reflection and adaptations to their practice
  • being open to challenge
  • reviewing behaviour management strategies and decisions

At Vernon Terrace Primary School, we believe that diversity is a strength which is respected and celebrated by all stakeholders.


Ofsted, the LA and our local community has recognised inclusive practice as a strength at Vernon Terrace Primary School. In order to uphold our reputation and continue to improve our practice our aims are:
  • to ensure everyday practice and policies meet the statutory requirements of the Equality Act, 2010 and SEND Code of Practice, 2014
  • to ensure all stakeholders are aware of their duty to this policy in order to protect and safeguard all stakeholders from harm.
  • to provide a safe and caring environment in which all our staff and children feel a sense of belonging
to develop a curriculum that:
  • is representative of our diverse community
  • reinforces positive messages about human differences
to create a culture whereby:
  • all children and stakeholders feel heard, valued and accepted
  • diversity is celebrated and understood, widely, as a strength
  • staff and children feel they can express themselves without fear of judgement
  • all stakeholders are curious and open to learning about one another’s differences
  • all stakeholders feel safe giving honest feedback, to senior leaders, if they consider they have been treated unfairly or consider a policy/practice in not fully inclusive

The Protected Characteristics

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage and Civil Partnership
  • Pregnancy and Maternity
  • Race
  • Religion and Belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation

Special Educational Needs


View Inclusion Policy
View Equality Policy
View Equality Action Plan
SEND Information report
SEND Local Offer

Specialist Base for Children Who Are Deaf or Partially Hearing

We have a number of deaf children on role at Vernon Terrace who are supported by a specialist team, including a Teacher of the Deaf, as part of our Sunshine Room. They are fully included within their year groups and may use British Sign Language (BSL), Sign-Supported English (SSE) or a total communication approach to enable them to access the curriculum. All of these children have an EHCP.

Find Out More

Base for Children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs

As part of our support for other schools, we have a small part-time provision which offers short-term part-time placements via a county panel for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs (SEMH). Children who come to us on a temporary part-time placement remain on role at their home school, whom we work with to enable the child’s return to full-time learning in their home school.

Find Out More

SENDco – Mrs A Steele
SENDco Assistant – Mrs H Bailey
DaPH leader – Mrs J Rutkowska
SEMH leader – Mr S Robinson

Contact: sendco@vernonterrace.net